Home ireland Young man killed in Killaloe jet ski incident named

Young man killed in Killaloe jet ski incident named

Young man killed in Killaloe jet ski incident named

A young man killed in a jet ski incident in Co Clare has been named locally as 19-year-old Wassiou Ayawe.

Mr Ayawe died on Wednesday following the incident on Lough Derg in Killaloe.

The teenager was from Limerick city, and was one of three people who got into difficulty while travelling on a jet ski out on the lake.

The Department of Transport confirmed on Wednesday night that two other people managed to make their way to the shore.

Mr Ayawe’s body was recovered from the water following an operation and he was pronounced dead at the scene.

Earlier on Thursday, the Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, Tony O’Brien, said conditions on Lough Derg on Wednesday evening when the incident occurred were “idyllic”.

Cllr O’Brien told RTÉ radio’s Morning Ireland that an investigation is underway to determine how the incident occurred.

“There wasn’t a ripple on the water. It was idyllic,” he said.

That section of Lough Derg was very popular for water sports, he added, with many visitors coming to the area for the day to enjoy amenities.

Cllr O’Brien called on anybody entering waterways in any part of the country to “respect the water”, warning that “it turns back on you” it can lead to tragedy.