Home business French energy giant EDF enters partnership to develop two Irish floating wind projects

French energy giant EDF enters partnership to develop two Irish floating wind projects

French energy giant EDF enters partnership to develop two Irish floating wind projects

French power giant EDF has entered into a joint venture partnership with Irish developer Simply Blue Group to develop two wind farm projects off the Irish coast, the groups said in a press release on Wednesday.

The projects are the Western Star floating wind farm on the west coast with a total capacity up to 1.4 gigawatts (GW) and the Emerald floating wind farm in the south that will have a total capacity up to 1.3 GW.

The projects are expected to generate enough electricity together to power approximately 2 million homes, the report said.

A merger clearance is expected for the partnership in the coming months.

“The partnership is ideally placed to deliver for Phase 3 of offshore wind in Ireland. This is key to kick-starting floating offshore wind, which will have a transformational positive impact on Ireland’s maritime and energy landscape,” project manager Val Cummins said.