Home ireland Owner of land up for sale at Dublin Airport believes third terminal should be built

Owner of land up for sale at Dublin Airport believes third terminal should be built

Owner of land up for sale at Dublin Airport believes third terminal should be built

The owner of land up for sale at Dublin Airport has said there is a lot of interest in the plot.

The McEvaddy brothers and some other landowners are selling 260 acres.

Director of Dublin Airport Terminal 3 ltd, Ulick McEvaddy, said he’s given up hope of building a third terminal there.

He still believes it is the right place to build a new facility.

Mr McEvaddy told Newstalk: “Look, what they need to do is build a motorway from the M2 into the centre of the site, build [terminal] three at the end of that motorway, opening up four kilometres for development on either side of the motorway. It’s a huge development.

Mr McEvaddy said he would be happy to do business with Dublin Airport operator Daa, along with the other owners, or anyone who can succeed in building a third terminal.

He said this is in the national interest.

“We’re not going to be extortionists; the national interest [is what] we’ve always been about. We’re infrastructure people, we believe in good infrastructure.

“We’ve seen good infrastructure around the world and what’s in Dublin is inadequate for the future. So yes, we would do business with the DAA, or somebody else who wants to build a proper terminal there.

“All that land is agricultural land right now, in agricultural use, and it’s a greenfield site for a proper Terminal 3.”