Home ireland Police investigate potential link after series of attacks on Belfast phone masts

Police investigate potential link after series of attacks on Belfast phone masts

Police investigate potential link after series of attacks on Belfast phone masts

Police are investigating a potential link in a series of arson attacks on phone masts in west Belfast.

There were five reports of attacks on phone masts and an electric box from late on Thursday night into the early hours of Friday.

The first phone mast targeted was in the Donegall Road at around 11.15pm on Thursday.

Fifteen minutes later another phone mast was attacked in the Owenvarragh Park area.

A third phone mast was targeted on the Springfield Road at around 1.10am on Friday, and an electric box shortly before 2.45am in the Monagh Bypass area.

Police later discovered a phone mast on fire in the Stewartstown Road area at around 3.45am.

A police spokesman said officers are investigating a potential link in the attacks.

“We are appealing to anyone who was in any of these areas and who may have information, or dashcam or other footage, to contact them on 101, quoting reference 2334 of 01/06/23,” he said.

SDLP councillor Paul Doherty condemned the attacks.

“Those behind a number of arson attacks on phone masts across west Belfast on Thursday night into Friday morning need to wise up and stop causing destruction and disruption in their own communities,” he said.

“Engaging in this kind of activity is absolutely futile.

“Whatever the motivation behind these incidents, our police and fire service have much more important things to be dedicating their resources to than this.

“Anyone with any information about these attacks should come forward to police as soon as possible.”