Home ireland Prices at the pumps rise as excise duty increase takes effect

Prices at the pumps rise as excise duty increase takes effect

Prices at the pumps rise as excise duty increase takes effect

The price of diesel and petrol increased overnight as measures cutting excise duty lapsed at midnight.

Thursday marks the first of a series of incremental increases aimed at returning excise duty on fuel to normal levels.

The Government had cut the taxation on diesel and petrol in response to surging prices following the outbreak of war in Ukraine.

The change has added 6c per litre to the cost of petrol and 5c per litre for diesel.

The Consumers Association of Ireland had earlier urged the Government to postpone the increase, arguing the move will have both a direct and knock-on effect on consumers.

The association added it was wrong to increase costs for consumers “at a time when Government talks about the amount of revenue they have”.

However, AA Ireland’s Paddy Comyn told Newstalk “it could be worse” considering fuel has dropped to its lowest price in approximately 18 months.

“The blow won’t be as sharp for motorists, but over the course of several months we will see the price increase by about 13.5 per cent for petrol and about 11 per cent for diesel,” he added.