Home ireland What the papers say: Wednesday’s front pages

What the papers say: Wednesday’s front pages

What the papers say: Wednesday’s front pages

The results of last year’s census in the Republic makes the front page of several of Wednesday’s newspapers.

The Irish Times and the Irish Examiner highlight the increase in population with more than 5.1 million people now living in the State.

The Irish Daily Mail warns that the ageing population revealed by the census means the Government faces a stark choice of either increasing the pension age or raising taxes.

A garda investigation has identified 16,000 Irish victims of an organised fraud gang who used a specialist website to commit global scams worth, the Irish Independent reports.

The Irish Daily Mirror and Irish Daily Star focus on the good weather and complaints that chocolate flakes used in ice cream are too crumbly.

A young man is in a serious condition in hospital and may lose a kidney after being set upon by a gang at detention centre, the Belfast Telegraph reports.

Two stories battle for attention in British papers with a warning over humanity’s future and questions surrounding evidence for the UK’s Covid-19 inquiry.

Several editions lead on the row over the availability of former British prime minister Boris Johnson’s WhatsApp messages as evidence.

The Guardian says the UK government has been accused of attempting to cover up ministers’ actions during the pandemic by withholding the unredacted messages, while The Daily Telegraph reports on claims the messages are being held back to protect MPs.

The front page of The Independentasks “Who’s telling the truth and who’s bluffing?” while the Daily Mirror has a picture of Mr Johnson jogging and the headline “Running & Hiding”.

The other story which leads multiple titles is a warning from artificial intelligence (AI) experts, with The Times saying they fear the technology poses “as great a threat to humanity as nuclear war or pandemic” unless regulations are put in place.

Those fears are echoed in the Daily Mail and the i, which both say AI could wipe out humanity.

Only The Sun continues to focus on the This Morning scandal as it reports on how a “defiant” Holly Willoughby will return to the daytime TV show on Monday and has no plans to quit after the controversial departure of co-host Phillip Schofield.

The Financial Times looks further afield for its lead as it says re-elected Turkish president Erdogan is coming under pressure from western nations to remove his opposition to admitting Sweden into Nato.

Metro reports on a primary school teacher fired over a Facebook post vowing to bring four teenagers who had threatened his wife to justice.

MPs calling for the sacking of civil servants considering strike action over plans to deport migrants to Rwanda feature on the front of the Daily Express.

And the Daily Star leads with the tale of a Russian “espionage whale”.